Data Brief 2022-008 | August 22, 2022 | Written and compiled by Leila Gonzales and Christopher Keane, AGI
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Changes in perceived importance of select technical skills to the geoscience profession
In 2021 and 2022, we surveyed participants in the Geoscience COVID-19
Survey about their views on the importance of select technical skills to
working in the geoscience profession. Across participant cohorts, the
skills rated most important to working in the geoscience profession were
data visualization and mapping software skills, followed by database
development and management and graphic design. An overwhelming majority
of geoscience employers rated business skills, including program
management, as continuing or increasing in importance.
While over half of respondents in all study cohorts reported this
skillset as important, geoscience academic departments and geoscience
academic faculty cohorts were least likely to view this skillset as
important to the profession. The cohort with the largest increase in
their view of importance of business skills were recent geoscience
graduates (Classes 2014-2018), moving from 76% to 90% between Spring
2021 and 2022.
DB_2022-008 chart 01: Importance of business skills to the geoscience profession (Credit: AGI; data from AGI's Geoscience COVID-19 Survey)
Database management and development skills were reported to have
continuing or increasing importance to over two-thirds of study
participants in all major cohorts, with the students having the largest
percentage of respondents reporting this skillset as important to the
profession, followed by non-academic professionals. There was a slight
decrease in the percentage (-8%) of employers reporting this skillset as
important to the profession between 2021 and 2022, and a slight uptick
in students and newly minted geoscience graduates (Classes 2019-2022)
over the same period (+7% and +8%, respectively).
DB_2022-008 chart 02: Importance of database management skills to the geoscience profession (Credit: AGI; data from AGI's Geoscience COVID-19 Survey)
Across all study cohorts, respondents reported that graphic design
skills were continuing or increasing in importance increased between
2021 and 2022, with the largest increases occurring among geoscience
employers (+21%), geoscience students (+20%), and non-academic
professionals (+16%). By Spring 2022, over 90% of respondents in all
cohorts reported this skillset as continuing or increasing in
Data visualization skills, including mapping software skills had the
highest recognition for increasing importance or continuing in
importance to the geoscience profession. Between 2021 and 2022, most
cohorts had an increasing percentage of respondents reporting that this
skill was increasing in importance, with employers and students having
the largest jumps in participants reporting this skillset as
increasingly important (+32% for both cohorts).
DB_2022-008 chart 03: Importance of graphic design skills to the geoscience profession (Credit: AGI; data from AGI's Geoscience COVID-19 Survey)
DB_2022-008 chart 04: Importance of data visualization skills to the geoscience profession (Credit: AGI; data from AGI's Geoscience COVID-19 Survey)
By Spring 2022, data science skills, including machine learning (ML) and
artificial intelligence (AI) was reported to be continuing or increasing
in importance for the geoscience profession by at least three-quarters
of participants across all cohorts. Recent geoscience graduates from the
Classes of 2014-2018 had the largest increase in noting the importance
of this skillset (+20%), while geoscience academic departments had the
largest decline (-14%) between Spring 2021 and 2022.
Students overwhelming viewed programming skills an important or
increasingly important to the profession between 2021 and 2022.
Likewise, all cohorts except for academic departments had an increasing
percentage of respondents noting the importance of this skillset.
DB_2022-008 chart 05: Importance of data science and ML/AI skills to the geoscience profession (Credit: AGI; data from AGI's Geoscience COVID-19 Survey)
DB_2022-008 chart 06: Importance of programming skills to the geoscience profession (Credit: AGI; data from AGI's Geoscience COVID-19 Survey)
We will continue to provide current snapshots on the impacts of COVID-19
on the geoscience enterprise throughout the year. For more information,
and to participate in the study, please visit:
Funding for this project is provided by the National Science Foundation
(Award #2029570). The results and interpretation of the survey are the
views of the American Geosciences Institute and not those of the
National Science Foundation.