Data Brief 2021-032 | November 1, 2021 | Written and compiled by Leila Gonzales and Christopher Keane, AGI
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Geoscience student progress during the pandemic, August 2021
University students may be the population in society to experience the
most variability in experiences during the pandemic. We are monitoring
experiences of geoscience students during the pandemic, including how
advising is being conducted, impacts on degree progress, and students’
intent to continue in their degree programs.
Student advising was primarily done via online only formats through May
2021, after which multiple modalities for student advising became more
common. With the start of the Fall 2021 term and return to in-person
classes in August 2021, online only advising was reported by 31% of
respondents whereas a combination of in-person and online advising was
reported by 35% of respondents.
DB_2021-032 chart 01: Student-faculty advising (Credit: AGI; data from AGI's Geoscience COVID-19 Survey)
Degree progress
Since March 2021, more than half of students reported impacts to their
degree progress. By August 2021, 64% of students reported delays in
tasks related to their thesis, dissertation, or capstone projects, and
nearly one-quarter of students indicated that the design of their
thesis, dissertation or senior capstone project had been changed. In
addition, by August 2021, 20% of students indicated they had deferred
their thesis or dissertation defense, and 16% of students indicated they
had deferred graduation.
Most geoscience students were able to take required courses for their
major during the 2020-2021 academic year. However, 28% of departments
reported that 10% or more continuing students were unable to take
required courses in the 2020- 2021 academic year, and 14% of departments
reported the same for graduating students. Furthermore, 57% of
departments indicated that up to a quarter of students delayed their
graduation to complete their degree requirements.
More than half of departments indicated that continuing and graduating
students were unable to take field courses and courses with field
components. Topics commonly mentioned as being unable to take included
field methods (mapping, field skills, cross-sections, measurement,
etc.), minerology, sedimentology, structural geology, environmental
science, and lab methods.
DB_2021-032 chart 02: Degree completion impacts (Credit: AGI; data from AGI's Geoscience COVID-19 Survey)
DB_2021-032 chart 03: What percentage of geoscience majors in your department were unable to take required courses during the 2020-2021 academic year?(Credit: AGI; data from AGI's Geoscience COVID-19 Survey)
DB_2021-032 chart 04: What types of courses were students unable to take? (Credit: AGI; data from AGI's Geoscience COVID-19 Survey)
Departments adapted during the 2020-2021 academic year to support their
students who were unable to meet degree requirements by accepting
substitutes for courses that were not taught during the pandemic and
waiving credit and course requirements. Departments mentioned how some
students delayed graduation to take field courses and other courses that
had significant field components in 2021 when in-person options for the
courses were available. Other departments mentioned how students took
courses from other universities for courses that were not currently
being offered at their home institution. Some departments offered field
course spaces first to students who were unable to complete their field
courses in 2020, and others mentioned how continuing students would be
allowed to participate in class-based field activities in the 2021-2022
academic year for no additional cost.
Summer enrollment
Most departments indicated that continuing and graduating students took
coursework over the summer term, with 81% of departments indicating that
up to one-quarter of continuing students took coursework over the summer
and 72% of departments indicating the same for graduating students. More
than half of departments indicated that continuing and graduating
students took lecture courses and field courses during the summer, and
just over 40% of departments indicated that both cohorts of students
took lab courses. When asked to compare summer enrollments during 2021
to pre-pandemic summer terms, 60% of departments reported that summer
enrollments were about the same and 37% indicated enrollments were lower
than pre-pandemic summer terms.
DB_2021-032 chart 05: What percentage of students in your department took coursework this summer? (Credit: AGI; data from AGI's Geoscience COVID-19 Survey)
DB_2021-032 chart 06: What types of courses did students enroll in this summer? (Credit: AGI; data from AGI's Geoscience COVID-19 Survey)
Intent to continue
In April 2021, about one-third of students participating in the study
indicated they would be graduating by the next academic term. Aside
from those students who indicated that they would be graduating and
entering the workforce, over two-thirds of students participating in the
survey indicated their intent to continue full-time with their studies.
DB_2021-032 chart 07: Enrollment intention for next academic term (Credit: AGI; data from AGI's Geoscience COVID-19 Survey)
We will continue to provide current snapshots on the impacts of COVID-19
on the geoscience enterprise throughout the year. For more information,
and to participate in the study, please visit:
Funding for this project is provided by the National Science Foundation
(Award #2029570). The results and interpretation of the survey are the
views of the American Geosciences Institute and not those of the
National Science Foundation.