Data Brief 2021-025 | October 4, 2021 | Written and compiled by Leila Gonzales and Christopher Keane, AGI
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Professional credential status and plans among COVID-19 study participants
As a side analysis of the Geoscience COVID-19 study, the state of
licensure and certification of participants was canvassed. Professional
licensure is common among non-academic geoscientists because it is
often required for their occupation, and among survey respondents, 71%
of non-academic geoscience survey participants noted that they had a
professional license or certification. In addition, nearly one-third of
academic faculty also mentioned having professional licensure or
DB_2021-025 chart 01: Professional credentials by survey cohort (Credit: AGI; data from AGI's Geoscience COVID-19 Survey)
The most common license noted by participants was the Professional
Geologist license, but other geoscience professional certifications and
licenses were also noted, including Certified / Licensed Hydrogeologist,
Certified Engineering Geologist, Professional Soil Scientist,
Professional Geophysicist, among others. Those non-academic
geoscientists who specified that they held the Geologist-In-Training
(GIT) certification were recent geoscience graduates.
Plans for licensure
Most study participants (92%) indicated that they had no plans for
taking a professional certification or licensing exam this year with the
primary reasons being either they already held the licenses and
certifications they needed or that licensure / certification was not
required for their occupation. However, 8% of survey participants
indicated that they planned on taking a professional certification or
licensing exam this year.
DB_2021-025 chart 02: Reasons for not taking a professional licensing or certification exam this year (Credit: AGI; data from AGI's Geoscience COVID-19 Survey)
Of those participants indicating that they were planning to take a
professional licensing or certification exam this year, approximately
one-third were recent geoscience graduates who had entered non-academic
geoscience occupations. In addition, nearly half (46%) were non-academic
geoscientists who had not recently graduated from a geoscience program
and 19% were academic faculty.
Among non-academic geoscientists, taking OSHA safety certification
courses this year was the most common, whereas taking state professional
geology licensure exams were most commonly noted by recent geoscience
graduates. Academic faculty most often reported planning to take drone
license exams and state professional geology license exams.
DB_2021-025 chart 03: Plans for professional licensing or certification exams this year (Credit: AGI; data from AGI's Geoscience COVID-19 Survey)
When asked if they had faced any challenges with meeting the
requirements for any of these exams or certifications, most participants
(86%) reported that they did not have any challenges. The 14% percent of
respondents that did report challenges specified issues with exam
preparation and scheduling.
We will continue to provide current snapshots on the impacts of COVID-19
on the geoscience enterprise throughout the year. For more information,
and to participate in the study, please visit:
Funding for this project is provided by the National Science Foundation
(Award #2029570). The results and interpretation of the survey are the
views of the American Geosciences Institute and not those of the
National Science Foundation.