Data Brief 2021-016 | June 11, 2021 | Written and compiled by Leila Gonzales and Christopher Keane, AGI
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Changes in geoscience instructional environments through April 2021
This data brief provides an update on the changes in geoscience
academic instructional environments as a result of the COVID-19
pandemic. We examine how instructional formats for courses, labs, and
field activities have changed over the past year, what components are
being used in virtual instruction, and the level of satisfaction that
faculty and students have with online instruction.
While institutions and departments are increasingly looking forward to
resuming pre-pandemic in-person instruction by Fall 2021, nearly 80% of
departments reported that courses continue to primarily be delivered via
online formats. Nearly half of departments reported hybrid course
formats and 40% of departments reported courses being conducted
in-person with COVID-19 restrictions such as social distancing,
masking, and limited class sizes.
Academic departments continue to use multiple modes of instruction for
lab sections and courses, with virtual labs being the most common format
offered. However, the percentage of departments offering virtual labs
declined from 73% in January 2021 to 55% in April 2021. In-person labs
conducted under COVID-19 restrictions has been the second common format
of lab sections and courses, with half of departments offering mode of
instruction in April 2021. The uptick in hybrid lab formats in April
2021 was due the addition of this answer option on the survey instrument
during the April surveys. In addition, at-home activities were more
commonly reported being included in labs than computational activities.
The most common formats for field instructional activities continue to
be virtual formats and in-person instruction at local sites. In April
2021, we added options to our surveys to ascertain what percentage of
departments were conducting field instruction in hybrid formats, as well
as self-guided field activities at local sites, in addition to in-person
instruction at local or remote sites. In April, there was also an uptick
in the percentage of departments indicating that field activities were
cancelled or not currently offered.
DB_2021-016 chart 01: Course instructional formats (Credit: AGI; data from AGI's Geoscience COVID-19 Survey)
DB_2021-016 chart 02: Formats of lab sections / courses (Credit: AGI; data from AGI's Geoscience COVID-19 Survey)
DB_2021-016 chart 03: Formats of field activities (Credit: AGI; data from AGI's Geoscience COVID-19 Survey)
Changes to curriculum
82% of faculty made changes to the courses they taught this academic
year. In addition to converting course content to online delivery, other
changes included reducing the amount of content covered. In some cases,
content was not suited for online delivery, and in other cases faculty
mentioned that virtual instruction took much longer and so content had
to be cut because the pace of instruction was much slower than
in-person. Faculty also eliminated in-person activities, with much of
this driven by COVID-19 restrictions. Other changes to curriculum
included changing grading formats and options, which included extending
deadlines for assignments, accepting late work without penalty,
providing students with a pass/fail or satisfactory/unsatisfactory
option for course grades, and changing the weighting on assignments and
exams. While some faculty decreased the number of assignments and
assessments and reduced the amount of active learning activities, other
faculty increased these parts of their courses.
Components used in virtual instruction
In April 2021, we asked about the types of components faculty have
employed in their virtual courses, labs and field activities they taught
this academic year. Common components of virtual courses included
written assignments, online assessments, virtual presentations or video
assignments, synchronous online lectures, recorded lectures, online
discussions, and video demonstrations. More than half of faculty
reported using written assignments, online assessments, at-home lab
activities, video demonstrations, datasets, and maps in their virtual
labs. Maps were the most common component of virtual field activities,
followed by written assignments.
Just over one-third of faculty reported that they have incorporated more
math and programming skills in their virtual labs and / or field
activities. Half of those faculty reported that their students were
lacking the necessary math and/or programming skills for these
activities. The most common issues reported by faculty were that
students struggled with basic math problems and with using Excel to
perform calculations and clean and manipulate data.
DB_2021-016 chart 04: Components used in virtual instruction (Credit: AGI; data from AGI's Geoscience COVID-19 Survey)
Faculty workloads with virtual instruction
Faculty reported that all aspects of hybrid and online instruction
required more work than in-person teaching, with most faculty reporting
that preparation for hybrid and online teaching was more work than for
in-person teaching. Hybrid instruction was reported to require more work
than online instruction across all categories (i.e., preparation,
teaching, grading). Some faculty have commented that although the
workload for preparing online instructional materials is substantial,
in the long-term it would be less work to re-run the course, and also
freed up time to work on developing new materials to tie into future
versions of the course.
DB_2021-016 chart 05: Amount of work for online and hybrid instruction compared to in-person instruction (Credit: AGI; data from AGI's Geoscience COVID-19 Survey)
Satisfaction with online teaching and learning
Satisfaction with different aspects of online teaching and learning
varied among students and faculty. Over half of faculty and students
were moderately to extremely satisfied with the quality of online
course content, with students being more satisfied than faculty, and
approximately 60% of students and faculty were moderately to extremely
satisfied with the quality of the online course platforms being used. In
addition, 45% of both cohorts were moderately to extremely satisfied
with the availability of courses.
Aspects of online instruction that faculty and students were least
satisfied with included the ability for students to work in groups (16%
faculty; 10% students expressing moderate to extreme satisfaction),
quality of online assessments (35% faculty; 26% students expressing
moderate to extreme satisfaction), and engagement of instructors with
students (27% faculty; 45% students expressing moderate to extreme
Throughout this study, faculty have consistently commented on the lack
of engagement they have had with students via online instruction, which
has been exacerbated by students not turning on their camera during
class and not actively engaging with the instructors. Some faculty have
addressed this challenge by using small group breakout activities
multiple times during classes to increase student engagement, and
others have used the poll features on online platforms to assess concept
comprehension throughout the course. Faculty have also found that by
having students share their screen to discuss problem sets that they are
working on helps other students in the class see different approaches
for the problem at hand.
Between December 2020 and April 2021, there has been an increase in
satisfaction levels for most aspects of online teaching by faculty, the
exceptions being the ability for students to work in groups and
availability of courses. Over the same period, students reported
decreased levels of satisfaction with all aspects of online learning,
with the largest declines related to the ability to work in groups.
DB_2021-016 chart 06: Satisfaction with online teaching and learning (Credit: AGI; data from AGI's Geoscience COVID-19 Survey)
DB_2021-016 chart 07: Change in satisfaction with online teaching and learning (Dec 2020 - Apr 2021) (Credit: AGI; data from AGI's Geoscience COVID-19 Survey)
Benefits and challenges with virtual instruction
The most common benefit to virtual instruction has been the
accessibility of instructional materials to students. The flexibility of
being able to join a class remotely and access prior lecture and course
materials has been a boon for students who had schedule conflicts, were
sick, or could not otherwise attend classes during their scheduled time.
Faculty mentioned that with the use of pre-recorded lectures, they had
re-configured class time to focus on discussions, group activities and
more engaged learning activities with students. Others mentioned how the
need to move courses to online instruction had improved and streamlined
their teaching, with some using multiple technologies to provide
students with more in-depth learning and others inviting guest lecturers
from other institutions to present on course topics. Other benefits
included the ability for students to review pre-recorded course
lectures for studying and conducting labs in a way that students had
more time to work on activities and gain better comprehension of the
concepts presented.
The most common drawback to virtual instruction mentioned by
participants was the difficulty engaging students during virtual
instruction. Faculty also mentioned that there was no substitute for
in-person learning especially in terms of lab and field activities where
hands-on experience was critical for learning, and thus virtual
instruction in these cases resulted in diminished returns on learning.
Other drawbacks mentioned included the substantial preparation time for
creating content for multiple instructional formats, lack of resources
for creating virtual instructional materials, technology issues, and
difficulty grading assignments.
We will continue to provide current snapshots on the impacts of COVID-19
on the geoscience enterprise throughout the year. For more information,
and to participate in the study, please visit:
Funding for this project is provided by the National Science Foundation
(Award #2029570). The results and interpretation of the survey are the
views of the American Geosciences Institute and not those of the
National Science Foundation.